Never blame other people

Sometimes, we might know what we want to achieve. We have found all those goals and dreams that always make us really excited.

And then, we all decide to start working on those dreams and goals. We take that first step forward. Even the second step and …

Then, we will come across an obstacle. Well, good for you. That obstacle was not really difficult to overcome. It did not need too much time and effort from us this time. We might feel a little frustrated because of the obstacle we faced, but we keep moving. We take another step and again …

Another obstacle.

This time we feel: that enough is enough. We did not want to face obstacles. We just wanted to achieve the things we really dreamed of.

And we give up. We start blaming others. We start blaming those things. We start making excuses so we don’t have to try them again.

But here’s the thing: working on our dreams and goals is a journey from one obstacle to another. But each time, we learn something.

That’s what they are about. Those obstacles show us what we didn’t know yet. They also taught us lessons we haven’t learned yet.
And instead of blaming and making excuses, we need to think about how we can beat the obstacles so we can keep moving forward.

That way we gain experiences. That way we learn some lessons. That way we become much stronger than we were before.

Be curious. See how you can overcome them. See what they offer.

Would you say that facing obstacles has helped you to grow and become stronger?

Let me know in the comments. 💭

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